Afghanistan Earthquake 5.9 - 43 km SSW of Jurm, Afghanistan 2023-01-05 14:25:52

 5.9 - 43 km SSW of Jurm, Afghanistan

2023-01-05 14:25:52 (UTC)36.492°N 70.702°E193.8 km profundity

Managerial Area







Close by Spots

Jurm, Badakhshan, Afghanistan

43.1 km (26.8 mi) NNEPopulation: 12106

Fayzabad, Badakhshan, Afghanistan

70.3 km (43.7 mi) NPopulation: 44421

Farkhār, Takhar, Afghanistan

75.9 km (47.2 mi) WPopulation: 10480

Ashkāsham, Badakhshan, Afghanistan

77.2 km (48 mi) ENEPopulation: 12120

Ishqoshim, Gorno-Badakhshan, Tajikistan

85.4 km (53 mi) ENEPopulation: 26000

Distance and bearing from focal point to local spot.

Structural Outline

Seismotectonics of the Himalaya and Area

district shows the presence of a lithospheric body at profundity, remembered to be leftovers of a subducting section. Get segments through the Hindu Kush locale propose a close to vertical northerly-plunging subducting piece, while get areas through the close by Pamir district toward the east show a much shallower plunging, southerly subducting chunk. A few models propose the presence of two subduction zones; with the Indian plate being subducted underneath the Hindu Kush locale and the Eurasian plate being subducted underneath the Pamir district. Notwithstanding, different models recommend that only one of the two plates is being subducted and that the piece has become bended and upset in places.

Shallow crustal tremors likewise happen around here close to the Primary Pamir Push and other dynamic Quaternary shortcomings. The Primary Pamir Push, north of the Pamir Mountains, is a functioning shortening structure. The northern piece of the Primary Pamir Push produces many shallow seismic tremors, though its western and eastern lines show a mix of pushed and strike-slip components. On the 18 February 1911, the M7.4 Sarez quake cracked in the Focal Pamir Mountains, killing various individuals and setting off a landside, which impeded the Murghab Waterway.

Further north, the Tian Shan is a seismically dynamic intra-mainland mountain belt, which expands 2500 km in an ENE-WNW direction north of the Tarim Bowl. This belt is characterized by various east-west moving push shortcomings, making a compressional bowl and reach scene. It is for the most part felt that territorial burdens related with the impact of the India and Eurasia plates are answerable for blaming in the locale. The district has had three significant quakes (>M7.6) toward the beginning of the twentieth Hundred years, including the 1902 Atushi seismic tremor, which killed an expected 5,000 individuals. The reach is sliced through in the west by the 700-km-long, northwest-southeast striking, Talas-Ferghana dynamic right-horizontal, strike-slip shortcoming situation. However the framework has created no serious tremors over the most recent 250 years, paleo-seismic investigations demonstrate that it can possibly deliver M7.0+ quakes and addressing a huge hazard is thought.

The northern part of the Tibetan Level itself is generally overwhelmed by the movement on three enormous left-horizontal, strike-slip shortcoming frameworks; the Altyn Tagh, Kunlun and Haiyuan. The Altyn Tagh shortcoming is the longest of these strike slip deficiencies and obliging a huge piece of plate convergence is thought. In any case, this framework has not experienced critical verifiable seismic tremors, however paleoseismic concentrates on show proof of ancient M7.0-8.0 occasions. Push deficiencies connect with the Altyn Tagh at its eastern and western ends. The Kunlun Shortcoming, south of the Altyn Tagh, is seismically dynamic, creating huge tremors, for example, the eighth November 1997, M7.6 Manyi quake and the fourteenth November 2001, M7.8 Kokoxili tremor. The Haiyuan Shortcoming, in the far north-east, produced the 16 December 1920, M7.8 seismic tremor that killed around 200,000 individuals and the 22 May 1927 M7.6 quake that killed 40,912.

The Longmen Shan push belt, along the eastern edge of the Tibetan Level, is a significant primary component and structures a momentary zone between the intricately distorted Songpan-Garze Overlap Belt and the somewhat undeformed Sichuan Bowl. On 12 May 2008, the push belt created the converse slip, M7.9 Wenchuan quake, killing more than 87,000 individuals and causing billions of US dollars in punitive fees and avalanches which dammed a few streams and lakes.

Southeast of the Tibetan Level are the right-parallel, strike-slip Red Stream and the left-horizontal, strike-slip Xiangshuihe-Xiaojiang shortcoming frameworks. The Red Stream Shortcoming experienced huge scope, left-sidelong bendable shear during the Tertiary time frame prior to changing to its current day right-parallel slip pace of around 5 mm/yr. This issue has delivered a few tremors >M6.0 including the 4 January 1970, M7.5 quake in Tonghai which killed more than 10,000 individuals. Starting from the beginning of the twentieth hundred years, the Xiangshuihe-Xiaojiang Shortcoming framework has produced a few M7.0+ seismic tremors including the M7.5 Luhuo quake which burst on the 22 April 1973. An investigations propose that because of the great slip rate on this shortcoming, future enormous quakes are profoundly conceivable along the 65km stretch among Daofu and Qianning and the 135km stretch that goes through Kangding.

Shallow seismic tremors inside the Indo-Burmese Curve, prevalently happen on a mix of strike-slip and opposite deficiencies, including the Sagaing, Kabaw and Dauki flaws. Somewhere in the range of 1930 and 1956, six M7.0+ quakes happened close to the right-horizontal Sagaing Shortcoming, bringing about serious harm in Myanmar including the age of avalanches, liquefaction and the deficiency of 610 lives. Profound quakes (200km) have likewise been known to happen around here, these are believed to be because of the subduction of the eastwards plunging, India plate, however whether subduction is right now dynamic is discussed. Inside the pre-instrumental period, the enormous Shillong seismic tremor happened on the 12 June 1897, causing broad obliteration.

Afghanistan Earthquake 5.9 - 43 km SSW of Jurm, Afghanistan 2023-01-05 14:25:52 Afghanistan Earthquake 5.9 - 43 km SSW of Jurm, Afghanistan 2023-01-05 14:25:52 Reviewed by Product Seller on January 05, 2023 Rating: 5

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