Iran Earthquake Today 5.7 - 49 km NE of Bandar-e Lengeh, Iran 2022-11-30 15:17:41

Iran 5.7 - 49 km NE of Bandar-e Lengeh, Iran

2022-11-30 15:17:41 (UTC)26.877°N 55.224°E4.7 km profundity

Managerial Locale







Close by Spots

Bandar-e Lengeh, Hormozgan, Iran

49.2 km (30.6 mi) SWPopulation: 22768

Qeshm, Hormozgan, Iran

104 km (64.6 mi) EPopulation: 25000

Bandar Abbas, Hormozgan, Iran

110.3 km (68.5 mi) ENEPopulation: 352173

Kīsh, Hormozgan, Iran

124.8 km (77.6 mi) WSWPopulation: 20922

Khasab, Musandam, Oman

128.1 km (79.6 mi) SEPopulation: 17904

Distance and bearing from focal point to local spot.

Structural Outline

Seismotectonics of the Center East and Area

No less than four significant structural plates (Arabia, Eurasia, India, and Africa) and one more modest structural block (Anatolia) are answerable for seismicity and tectonics in the Center East and encompassing locale. Geologic improvement of the district is an outcome of various first-request plate structural cycles that incorporate subduction, huge scope change blaming, compressional mountain building and crustal expansion.

Mountain working in northern Pakistan and Afghanistan is the consequence of compressional tectonics related with impact of the India plate moving northwards at a pace of 40 mm/yr concerning the Eurasia plate. Mainland thickening of the northern and western edge of the India subcontinent has created the most elevated mountains on the planet, including the Himalayan, Karakoram, Pamir and Hindu Kush ranges. Quake movement and blaming tracked down around here, as well as contiguous pieces of Afghanistan and India, are expected to collisional plate tectonics.

Underneath the Pamir-Hindu Kush Heaps of northern Afghanistan, seismic tremors happen to profundities as incredible as 200 km because of leftover lithospheric subduction. Shallower crustal quakes in the Pamir-Hindu Mountains happen fundamentally along the Primary Pamir Push and other dynamic Quaternary issues, which oblige a significant part of the locale's crustal shortening. The western and eastern edges of the Fundamental Pamir Push show a blend of pushed and strike-slip instruments.

Along the western edge of the Tibetan Level, nearby southeastern Afghanistan and western Pakistan, the India plate makes an interpretation of sideways comparative with the Eurasia plate, bringing about a complicated overlay and-push belt known as the Sulaiman Reach. Blaming in this district incorporates strike-slip, turn around slip and angled slip movement and frequently brings about shallow, damaging tremors. The somewhat quick left-parallel, strike-slip Chaman Issue framework in southeastern Afghanistan obliges translational movement between the India and Eurasia plates. In 1505, a section of the Chaman Shortcoming framework close to Kabul, Afghanistan cracked causing far reaching obliteration of Kabul and encompassing towns. In a similar locale, the later 30 May 1935, M7.6 Quetta, Pakistan seismic tremor, happened inside the Sulaiman Reach, killing somewhere in the range of 30,000 and 60,000 individuals.

Off the south bank of Pakistan and southeast shore of Iran, the Makran channel is the present-day surface articulation of dynamic subduction of the Arabia plate underneath the mainland Eurasia plate, which join at a pace of roughly 20 mm/yr. Albeit the Makran subduction zone has a generally sluggish intermingling rate, it has created enormous destroying tremors and waves. For instance, the November 27, 1945 M8.0 super push tremor delivered a wave inside the Bay of Oman and Arabia Ocean, killing more than 4,000 individuals. Northwest of this dynamic subduction zone, impact of the Arabia and Eurasia plates frames the around 1,500-km-long overlay and push belt of the Zagros Mountains, which crosses the entire of western Iran and reaches out into northeastern Iraq. Impact of the Arabia and Eurasia plates likewise causes crustal shortening in the Alborz Mountains and Kopet Dag in northern Iran. Eastern Iran encounters disastrous quakes that start on both strike-slip and opposite deficiencies. For instance, the 16 September 1978 M7.8 seismic tremor, along the southwest edge of the Dasht-e-Lut Bowl killed no less than 15,000 individuals.

Along the eastern edge of the Mediterranean locale there is intricate association between the Africa, Arabia and Eurasia plates. The Red Ocean Crack is a spreading place between the Africa and Arabia plates, with a spreading pace of roughly 10mm/yr close to its northern end, and 16mm/yr close to its southern end (Chu, D. also, Gordon, R. G., 1998). Seismicity rate and size of tremors has been generally little along the spreading community, however the cracking system has delivered a progression of volcanic frameworks across western Saudi Arabia.

Further north, the Red Ocean Crack ends at the southern limit of the Dead Ocean Change Shortcoming. The Dead Ocean Change is a strike-slip shortcoming that obliges differential movement between the Africa and Arabia plates. However both the Africa plate, toward the west, and the Arabia plate, toward the east, are moving in a NNE course, the Arabia plate is moving somewhat quicker, bringing about the left-sidelong, strike-slip movement along this portion of the plate limit. By and large, seismic tremor movement along the Dead Ocean Change has been a huge danger in the thickly populated Levant locale (eastern Mediterranean). For instance, the November 1759 Close to East seismic tremor is remembered to have killed somewhere close to 2,000-20,000 individuals. The northern end of the Dead Ocean Change happens inside a complex structural locale of southeast Turkey, where collaboration of the Africa and Arabia plates and the Anatolia block happens. This includes translational movement of the Anatolia Block westwards, with a speed of roughly 25mm/yr concerning Eurasia, to oblige conclusion of the Mediterranean bowl.

The right-sidelong, strike-slip North Anatolia Issue, in northern Turkey, obliges a significant part of the westwards movement between the Anatolia Block and Eurasia Plate. Somewhere in the range of 1939 and 1999, a progression of pulverizing M7.0+ strike-slip tremors engendered westwards along the North Anatolia Issue framework. The westernmost of these tremors was the seventeenth August 1999, M7.6 Izmit quake, close to the Ocean of Marmara, killed around 17,000 individuals.

At the southern edge of the Anatolia Block lies the east-west moving Cyprian Curve with related degrees of moderate seismicity. The Cyprian Circular segment addresses the focalized limit between the Anatolia Block toward the north and the Africa Plate toward the south. The limit is remembered to join the East Anatolia Shortcoming zone in eastern Turkey; but no specific math or feeling of relative movement along the whole limit is broadly acknowledged.

Iran Earthquake Today 5.7 - 49 km NE of Bandar-e Lengeh, Iran 2022-11-30 15:17:41 Iran Earthquake Today 5.7 - 49 km NE of Bandar-e Lengeh, Iran 2022-11-30 15:17:41 Reviewed by Product Seller on December 01, 2022 Rating: 5

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