Today Earthquake 5.1 - 106 km ENE of Amahai, Indonesia 2022-11-28 22:26:40

 5.1 - 106 km ENE of Amahai, Indonesia

2022-11-28 22:26:40 (UTC)2.933°S 129.793°E10.0 km profundity

Managerial Locale







Close by Spots

Amahai, Maluku, Indonesia

107.1 km (66.6 mi) WSWPopulation: 47653

Ambon, Maluku, Indonesia

198 km (123 mi) WSWPopulation: 355596

Sorong, West Papua, Indonesia

280.9 km (174.6 mi) NEPopulation: 125535

Tual, Maluku, Indonesia

444.8 km (276.4 mi) SEPopulation: 39502

Sofifi, North Maluku, Indonesia

478.2 km (297.1 mi) NNWPopulation: 36197

Distance and bearing from focal point to local spot.

Structural Outline

Seismotectonics of the New Guinea District and Area

The Australia-Pacific plate limit is more than 4000 km long on the northern edge, from the Sunda (Java) channel in the west to the Solomon Islands in the east. The eastern segment is more than 2300 km long, expanding west from upper east of the Australian mainland and the Coral Ocean until it converges the east bank of Papua New Guinea. The limit is overwhelmed by the overall toward the north subduction of the Australia plate.

Along the South Solomon channel, the Australia plate meets with the Pacific plate at a pace of roughly 95 mm/yr towards the east-upper east. Seismicity along the channel is overwhelmingly connected with subduction tectonics and enormous tremors are normal: there have been 13 M7.5+ quakes recorded beginning around 1900. On April 1, 2007, a M8.1 interplate megathrust tremor happened at the western finish of the channel, producing a tidal wave and killing something like 40 individuals. This was the third M8.1 megathrust occasion related with this subduction zone in the previous hundred years; the other two happened in 1939 and 1977.

Further east at the New England channel, the overall movements of a few microplates encompassing the Australia-Pacific limit, including north-south situated ocean bottom spreading in the Woodlark Bowl south of the Solomon Islands, keep up with the overall toward the north subduction of Australia-subsidiary lithosphere underneath Pacific-partnered lithosphere. The vast majority of the huge and incredible quakes east of New Guinea are connected with this subduction; such seismic tremors are especially amassed at the cusp of the channel south of New Ireland. 33 M7.5+ quakes have been recorded beginning around 1900, remembering three shallow push issue M8.1 occasions for 1906, 1919, and 2007.

The western finish of the Australia-Pacific plate limit is maybe the most intricate piece of this limit, expanding 2000 km from Indonesia and the Banda Ocean to eastern New Guinea. The limit is overwhelmingly joined along a curve mainland crash section crossing the width of New Guinea, however the areas close to the edges of the impinging Australia mainland edge additionally incorporate somewhat short portions of extensional, strike-slip and united disfigurement. The prevailing combination is obliged by shortening and elevate across a 250-350 far reaching band of northern New Guinea, as well as by sluggish toward the south coming close to subduction of the Pacific plate north of New Guinea at the New Guinea channel. Here, the Australia-Pacific plate relative speed is roughly 110 mm/yr towards the upper east, prompting the 2-8 mm/yr inspire of the New Guinea Good countries.

Though the northern band of misshapening is moderately diffuse east of the Indonesia-Papua New Guinea line, in western New Guinea there are somewhere around two little (<100,000 km²) blocks of somewhat undeformed lithosphere. The westernmost of these is the Birds Head Promontory microplate in Indonesia's West Papua territory, limited on the south by the Seram channel. The Seram channel was initially deciphered as an outrageous curve in the Sunda subduction zone, yet is presently remembered to address a toward the south coming close to subduction zone between Birds Head and the Banda Ocean.

There have been 22 M7.5+ seismic tremors kept in the New Guinea district beginning around 1900. The prevailing tremor instruments are pushed and strike slip, related with the bend mainland impact and the general movements between various nearby microplates. The biggest seismic tremor in the district was a M8.2 shallow pushed shortcoming occasion in the northern Papua region of Indonesia that killed 166 individuals in 1996.

The western part of the northern Australia plate limit expands roughly 4800 km from New Guinea to Sumatra and principally isolates Australia from the Eurasia plate, including the Sunda block. This piece is predominantly concurrent and incorporates subduction at the Sunda (Java) channel, and a youthful curve landmass impact.

In the east, this limit reaches out from the Kai Islands to Sumba along the Timor box, offset from the Sunda channel by 250 km south of Sumba. In spite of prior structural models in which this box was deciphered as a subduction highlight nonstop with the Sunda subduction zone, it is currently remembered to address a dying down deformational element connected with the impact of the Australia plate mainland edge and the volcanic bend of the Eurasia plate, starting in the last 5-8 Myr. Before impact started, the Sunda subduction zone stretched out toward the east to essentially the Kai Islands, confirmed by the presence of a toward the north plunging zone of seismicity underneath Timor Leste. A more definite assessment of the seismic zone along it's eastern fragment uncovers a hole in middle of the road profundity seismicity under Timor and seismic components that show a toward the east spreading tear in the sliding chunk as the adversely light maritime lithosphere disengages from decidedly light mainland lithosphere. By all accounts, GPS estimations show that the area around Timor is as of now presently not associated with the Eurasia plate, however rather is moving at almost a similar speed as the Australia plate, one more outcome of impact.

Huge seismic tremors in eastern Indonesia happen much of the time however interplate megathrust occasions connected with subduction are uncommon; this is possible because of the disengagement of the plunging maritime section from the mainland edge. There have been 9 M7.5+ tremors recorded from the Kai Islands to Sumba starting around 1900. The biggest was the incomparable Banda Ocean tremor of 1938 (M8.5) a middle profundity push blaming occasion that didn't cause huge death toll.

Today Earthquake 5.1 - 106 km ENE of Amahai, Indonesia 2022-11-28 22:26:40 Today Earthquake 5.1 - 106 km ENE of Amahai, Indonesia 2022-11-28 22:26:40 Reviewed by Product Seller on November 29, 2022 Rating: 5

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