M 5.5 - 11 km WSW of Tortora Marina, Italy 2022-10-31 21:42:50 (UTC)39.899°N 15.637°E267.9 km depth

 M 5.5 - 11 km WSW of Tortora Marina, Italy

2022-10-31 21:42:50 (UTC)39.899°N 15.637°E267.9 km profundity

Close by Spots

Tortora Marina, Calabria, Italy

11.6 km (7.2 mi) ENEPopulation: 4884

Castrovillari, Calabria, Italy

49.1 km (30.5 mi) EPopulation: 20334

Sala Consilina, Campania, Italy

56 km (34.8 mi) NPopulation: 11734

Cassano Allo Ionio, Calabria, Italy

60.4 km (37.5 mi) ESEPopulation: 11560

Potenza, Basilicate, Italy

83.8 km (52.1 mi) NPopulation: 56433

Structural Outline

Seismotectonics of the Mediterranean District and Area

The Mediterranean district is seismically dynamic because of the toward the north union (4-10 mm/yr) of the African plate concerning the Eurasian plate along a mind boggling plate limit. This union started roughly 50 Mama and was related with the conclusion of the Tethys Ocean. The cutting edge remainder of the Tethys Ocean is the Mediterranean Ocean. The most elevated paces of seismicity in the Mediterranean district are found along the Hellenic subduction zone of southern Greece, along the North Anatolian Issue Zone of western Turkey and the Calabrian subduction zone of southern Italy. Neighborhood high paces of union at the Hellenic subduction zone (35mm/yr) are related with back-curve spreading all through Greece and western Turkey over the subducting Mediterranean maritime outside. Crustal typical blaming all through this district is an indication of extensional tectonics related with the back-circular segment spreading. The district of the Marmara Ocean is a change zone between this extensional system, toward the west, and the strike-slip system of the North Anatolian Shortcoming Zone, toward the east. The North Anatolian Shortcoming obliges a large part of the right-sidelong flat movement (23-24 mm/yr) between the Anatolian miniature plate and Eurasian plate as the Anatolian miniature plate is being pushed toward the west to additionally oblige conclusion of the Mediterranean bowl brought about by the impact of the African and Middle Eastern plates in southeastern Turkey. Subduction of the Mediterranean Ocean bottom underneath the Tyrrhenian Ocean at the Calabrian subduction zone causes a huge zone of seismicity around Sicily and southern Italy. Dynamic volcanoes are situated above middle of the road profundity tremors in the Cyclades of the Aegean Ocean and in southern Italy.

In the Mediterranean district there is a set up account, a few centuries in length, recording pre-instrumental seismicity (pre-twentieth 100 years). Seismic tremors have generally caused inescapable harm across focal and southern Greece, Cyprus, Sicily, Crete, the Nile Delta, Northern Libya, the Map book Piles of North Africa and the Iberian Landmass. The 1903 M8.2 Kythera quake and the 1926 M7.8 Rhodes tremors are the biggest instrumentally recorded Mediterranean seismic tremors, the two of which are related with subduction zone tectonics. Somewhere in the range of 1939 and 1999 a progression of wrecking M7+ strike-slip quakes proliferated toward the west along the North Anatolian Issue Zone, starting with the 1939 M7.8 Erzincan tremor on the eastern finish of the North Anatolian Shortcoming framework. The 1999 M7.6 Izmit quake, situated on the toward the west finish of the issue, struck quite possibly of Turkey's most thickly populated and industrialized metropolitan region killing, in excess of 17,000 individuals. In spite of the fact that seismicity rates are similarly low along the northern edge of the African landmass, huge disastrous tremors have been recorded and revealed from Morocco in the western Mediterranean, to the Dead Ocean in the eastern Mediterranean. The 1980 M7.3 El Asnam tremor was one of Africa's biggest and most disastrous quakes inside the twentieth hundred years.

Enormous seismic tremors all through the Mediterranean locale have additionally been known to deliver critical and harming tidal waves. One of the more unmistakable verifiable seismic tremors inside the district is the Lisbon quake of November 1, 1755, whose greatness has been assessed from non-instrumental information to be around 8.0. The 1755 Lisbon seismic tremor is remembered to have happened inside or close to the Azores-Gibraltar change shortcoming, which characterizes the limit between the African and Eurasian plates off the west bank of Morocco and Portugal. The quake is prominent for both an enormous loss of life of roughly 60,000 individuals and for producing a tidal wave that cleared up the Portuguese coast immersing beach front towns and Lisbon. A tremor of roughly M8.0 close to Sicily in 1693 created an enormous wave that obliterated various towns along Sicily's east coast. The M7.2 December 28, 1908 Messina seismic tremor is the deadliest archived European quake. The blend of serious ground shaking and a nearby wave caused an expected 60,000 to 120,000 fatalities.

M 5.5 - 11 km WSW of Tortora Marina, Italy 2022-10-31 21:42:50 (UTC)39.899°N 15.637°E267.9 km depth M 5.5 - 11 km WSW of Tortora Marina, Italy 2022-10-31 21:42:50 (UTC)39.899°N 15.637°E267.9 km depth Reviewed by Product Seller on November 01, 2022 Rating: 5

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