Indonesia Earthquake 6.9 - 202 km SW of Bengkulu, Indonesia 2022-11-18 13:37:08

 6.9 - 202 km SW of Bengkulu, Indonesia

2022-11-18 13:37:08 (UTC)4.892°S 100.803°E25.0 km profundity

Close by Spots

Bengkulu, Bengkulu, Indonesia

202.7 km (126 mi) NEPopulation: 309712

Curup, Bengkulu, Indonesia

247.7 km (153.9 mi) NEPopulation: 46245

Pagar Alam, South Sumatra, Indonesia

287.8 km (178.8 mi) ENEPopulation: 70386

Lubuklinggau, South Sumatra, Indonesia

289.5 km (179.9 mi) NEPopulation: 148243

Sungai Penuh, Jambi, Indonesia

322.3 km (200.3 mi) NNEPopulation: 95913

Structural Synopsis

Seismotectonics of the Sumatra Area

The plate limit southwest of Sumatra is essential for a long structural crash zone that stretches out north of 8000 km from Papua in the east to the Himalayan front in the west. The Sumatra-Andaman part of the crash zone shapes a subduction zone megathrust plate limit, the Sunda-Java channel, which obliges intermingling between the Indo-Australia and Sunda plates. This assembly is liable for the extreme seismicity and volcanism in Sumatra. The Sumatra Issue, a significant change structure that separates Sumatra, obliges the northwest-expanding parallel part of relative plate movement.

Relative plate movement between the Indo-Australia and Sunda plates is fast, diminishing from around 63 mm/year close to the southern tip of Sumatra (Australia comparative with Sunda) to 44 mm/year north of Andaman Islands (India comparative with Sunda) and turning counterclockwise toward the northwest, so relative movement close to Jakarta is almost channel ordinary yet turns out to be almost channel lined up close to Myanmar. Because of the revolution in relative movement along the strike of the bend and the connection of numerous structural plates, a few interrelated structural components create the Sumatra-Andaman plate limit. Most strain gathering and delivery happens along the Sunda megathrust of the primary subduction zone, where lithosphere of the subducting Indo-Australia plate is in touch with the overlying Sunda plate down to a profundity of 60 km. Strain discharge related with misshapening inside the subducting piece is confirmed by more profound quakes that stretch out to profundities of under 300 km on Sumatra and 150 km or less along the Andaman Islands. The inexorably diagonal union between these two plates moving northwest along the curve is obliged by crustal seismicity along a progression of change and typical flaws. East of the Andaman Islands, back-curve spreading in the Andaman Ocean delivers a zone of conveyed ordinary and strike-slip blaming. Like the Sumatran Shortcoming, the Sagaing Issue close to Myanmar additionally obliges the strike-slip part of diagonal plate movement. Plate-limit related deformity is likewise not confined to the subduction zone and superseding plate: the subducting Indo-Australian plate really involves two to some degree free plates (India and Australia), with modest quantities of movement comparative with each other, that are joined along an expansive, effectively disfiguring district delivering seismicity as much as a few hundred kilometers west of the channel. This twisting is exemplified by the new April 2012 tremor arrangement, which incorporates the April 11 M 8.6 and M 8.2 strike-slip occasions and their ensuing delayed repercussions.

Paleoseismic concentrates on involving coral reefs as an intermediary for relative land level changes related with seismic tremor uprooting recommend that the Sunda curve has over and over cracked during moderately huge occasions before, with records reaching out as far back as the tenth 100 years. In northern Simeulue Island, the southern end of the 2004 megathrust tremor crack region, a bunch of megathrust quakes happened more than a long term period between A.D. 1390 and 1455, bringing about inspire significantly more prominent than that brought about by the 2004 occasion. Concentrates on that gander at large sheeted stores of sand ashore deciphered as the vehicle of flotsam and jetsam from a torrent wave likewise show that this locale has encountered critical tidal waves in the previous hundreds of years, yet rarely.

Before 2004, the latest megathrust seismic tremors along the Sumatran-Andaman plate limit were in 1797 (M 8.7-8.9), 1833 (M 8.9-9.1) and 1861 (M8.5). Starting around 2004, a significant part of the Sunda megathrust between the northern Andaman Islands and Enggano Island, a distance of in excess of 2,000 km, has cracked in a progression of huge subduction zone tremors - most breaking the plate limit south of Banda Aceh. The incomparable M 9.1 quake of December 26, 2004, which delivered an overwhelming wave, burst a large part of the limit among Myanmar and Simeulue Island seaward Banda Aceh.Immediately toward the south of the extraordinary 2004 tremor, the M 8.6 Nias Island quake of Walk 28, 2005 cracked a 400-km segment among Simeulue and the Batu Islands. Farther south in the Mentawai islands, two seismic tremors on September 12, 2007 of M 8.5 and M 7.9 happened in the southern piece of the assessed 1797 and 1833 bursts zone, which stretches out from around Enggano Island toward the northern part of Siberut Island. More modest tremors have likewise been locally significant: a M 7.6 crack inside the subducting plate caused extensive harm in Padang in 2009, and a M 7.8 break on October 25, 2010 happened on the shallow part of the megathrust toward the west of the Mentawai Islands, and caused a significant torrent on the west shore of those islands.

Notwithstanding the ongoing seismic perils along this piece of the Sunda curve, this area is additionally perceived as having perhaps of the greatest volcanic risk on the planet. Quite possibly of the most sensational emission in mankind's set of experiences was the Krakatau ejection on August 26-27, 1883, a fountain of liquid magma just toward the southeast of the island of Sumatra, which brought about more than 35, 000 losses.

Subduction and seismicity along the plate limit neighboring Java is generally unique in relation to that of the Sumatran-Andaman area. Relative movement along the Java circular segment is channel typical (roughly 65-70 mm/year) and doesn't display a similar strain dividing and back-curve strike-slip blaming that are seen along the Sumatra edge. Neither has the Java subduction zone facilitated comparative enormous greatness megathrust occasions to those of its neighbor, in recorded history. Albeit this locale isn't as seismically dynamic as the Sumatra district, the Java curve has facilitated low to middle greatness extensional tremors and profound concentration (300-700 km) occasions and shows a comparative on the off chance that not higher volcanic peril. This curve has additionally facilitated two enormous, shallow wave seismic tremors in the new past which brought about high torrent run-ups along the southern Java coast.

Indonesia Earthquake 6.9 - 202 km SW of Bengkulu, Indonesia 2022-11-18 13:37:08 Indonesia Earthquake 6.9 - 202 km SW of Bengkulu, Indonesia 2022-11-18 13:37:08 Reviewed by Product Seller on November 19, 2022 Rating: 5

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